Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Pyxine subcinerea (Physciaceae)
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia albula
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia albula
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia albula
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia georgei (white) and Psora decipiens (brown, with black marginal apothecia)
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia georgei (white) and Psora decipiens (brown)
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Lichen mosaic on limestone
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia maficola
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia maficola
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia halophila on Pertusaria melanospora
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Lichen mosaic
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia aeruginosa (left) and Halecania subsquamosa
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia homophyllia (Physciaceae)
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia aeruginosa
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia georgei
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia homophylia [IMG3475]
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Lecidea capensis, Buellia homophylia, Caloplaca sp., Xanthoparmelia spp. and others
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia bahiana [IMG 2434B]
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia bahiana [IMG 2434A]
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia spuria var. amblyogona (left) & Buellia kimberleyana
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Kimberley lichen mosaic III
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Lichen community
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Kimberley lichen mosaic II
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Australiaena streimannii (centre) & Buellia polyxanthonica
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia stellulata (Physciaceae)
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia rechingeri
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia homophylia (Caliciaceae)
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia homophylia
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia bahiana (Physciaceae) [IMG 2655]
Pat McCarthy (Canberra):
Buellia bahiana (Physciaceae) [IMG 2655A]