patjan33: 01 - proud family happy to have made it to the ceremony
patjan33: 02 - with proud dad before ceremony
patjan33: 03 - with proud mom before ceremony
patjan33: 07 - Look at all those graduates lined up!
patjan33: 09 - processing in (above right hand holding camera)
patjan33: 11 - getting to her seat
patjan33: 14 - receiving diploma from (young looking) principal
patjan33: 15 - walking back after getting diploma
patjan33: 16 - post ceremony with proud dad
patjan33: 19 - post ceremony with family
patjan33: 21 - Space Needle with flash
patjan33: 22 - Space Needle without flash
patjan33: 24 - Nuzi, Rebecca, Liz, Allison