pez6661: Jap sea plane
pez6661: Coming in hot WW2
pez6661: Sea fury launches
pez6661: Pearl Harbour after attack
pez6661: Italians over Malta
pez6661: Captured Jap float plane Maru
pez6661: A Column of Soviet ISU-122 (Samokhodnaya Ustanovka 122) self-propelled guns during a brief lull in the fighting in a suburb of Berlin, May 1945
pez6661: Canadian infantrymen advance cautiously up a narrow lane in Campochiaro, Italy, on November 11, 1943
pez6661: Desolation in the Italian city of Cassino in May of 1944, the day after the city's capture by the Allies. Hangman's Hill
pez6661: Downed on the Weald-Kent-BF109-ww2
pez6661: Finnish soldiers drive through the burning streets of Petrozavodsk in a captured Soviet T-26 light infantry tank. Oct 1941
pez6661: French tanks convoy-ww2
pez6661: German bomber tail-guards-ww2
pez6661: HMS Ark Royal-4.5inch guns-ww2
pez6661: HMS Kestrel-con-takes a bearing
pez6661: HMS Kestrel-gunner-ww1-Jutland
pez6661: HMS Nelson-shows her punch-ww2
pez6661: HMS Rodney off Gib-ww2
pez6661: HMS Rodney-AA-crew-
pez6661: HMS Rodney-HMS Nelson in background-ww2
pez6661: HMS Rodney-sends a signal
pez6661: HMS Southampton and swordfish-ww2
pez6661: HMS Southampton-50-60
pez6661: HMS Southampton-engine room
pez6661: King George VI visits HMS Rodney
pez6661: Matilda tank of the Australian 2-4th Armored Regiment on the Buin Road, Bougainville 1945.
pez6661: PB Defiant-side-ww2
pez6661: PB Defiants-trio-ww2
pez6661: RAF Gunners in drag-1941
pez6661: Relic-Gunnary pratice on a Russian Tank