joeppo: Markfield Park Heat Temp32 - Homerton (
Lee 102: Roids Vibes
Paint Freakz: Porkie stb
Lee 102: 5Pointz
benjaminmurphy_: "Hi milkman, yeah can we have an insane amount of full fat milk and then just two bottles of semi skimmed. Thanks."
benjaminmurphy_: #616 has just dropped his piece off and it's sooooo sick! #tapeart #collaboration #streetart #graffiti #art #exhibition #london #artlondon #eastlondon #7thmarch7pm #firstthursdays
joeppo: Derelict
Alex Ellison: Panik ATG
Alex Ellison: Regret SMC
mr. eightyse7en: Royal Oak.....
Paint Freakz: Nail bom jobs n vamp - sands end
WD Crew: Post industrial Soviet whatever...
Alex Ellison: Sweet Toof
Paint Freakz: DPM 2009!!!
Paint Freakz: Drunks
Alex Ellison: Sweet Toof