A. Scott Rosenthal: Eric and I
A. Scott Rosenthal: Eric and Ray
A. Scott Rosenthal: Getting geared up for the party
A. Scott Rosenthal: At Hope's House
A. Scott Rosenthal: Hope gearing up for her birthday bash
A. Scott Rosenthal: Hope's Birthday Bash
A. Scott Rosenthal: Ray, Eric and I
A. Scott Rosenthal: Trying to stay dry
A. Scott Rosenthal: D.C. subway
A. Scott Rosenthal: D.C. Subway
A. Scott Rosenthal: D.C. Subway
A. Scott Rosenthal: Celebrating my nation!
A. Scott Rosenthal: Thank God they keep me out of there
A. Scott Rosenthal: Mia's psyched too!
A. Scott Rosenthal: Mia and I, White House
A. Scott Rosenthal: Nice Office Building
A. Scott Rosenthal: The other side of the White House
A. Scott Rosenthal: Me and public sculpture!
A. Scott Rosenthal: Mia likes the Washington Monument
A. Scott Rosenthal: Got to love protestors
A. Scott Rosenthal: What's that coming out of my head?
A. Scott Rosenthal: Mia and I, again
A. Scott Rosenthal: Did I get a phone call?
A. Scott Rosenthal: Where are we?
A. Scott Rosenthal: Here we are!
A. Scott Rosenthal: Or is it there?