Emmy K: The Fulmar
Emmy K: Dave the Captain and his 1st Mate
Emmy K: back into sunshine
Emmy K: foggy city
Emmy K: after we went under the bridge
Emmy K: foggy city
Emmy K: home sweet home
Emmy K: looking back
Emmy K: looking down from my seat on the fly bridge
Emmy K: blue whale - barely!
Emmy K: Blue Whale's back
Emmy K: bird
Emmy K: seals playing around the boat
Emmy K: Blue Whale's back
Emmy K: Blue whale
Emmy K: Blue Whale
Emmy K: Blue Whale
Emmy K: a good one of a spout
Emmy K: Blue whale dorsal fin
Emmy K: it's like those blurry/foggy pics of the Loch Ness monster
Emmy K: my best shot
Emmy K: The Humpback
Emmy K: Humpback
Emmy K: Humpback
Emmy K: spout
Emmy K: profile of Blue Whale dorsal fin
Emmy K: a close up spout
Emmy K: would have been a great shot if the camera was angled down more!
Emmy K: Blue Whale
Emmy K: Tufted Puffin!!!!