The Library of Congress: Worker at carbon black plant, Sunray, Texas (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Wheat, Pennsylvania (LOC)
The Library of Congress: A carpenter at the TVA's new Douglas dam on the French Broad River, Tenn. This dam will be 161 feet high and 1,682 feet ong, with a 31,600-acre reservoir area extending 43 miles upstream. With a useful storage capacity of approximately 1,330,000 acre-feet
The Library of Congress: In the roundhouse at a Chicago and Northwestern Railroad yard, Chicago, Ill. (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Negro boy near Cincinnati, Ohio (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Jim Norris, homesteader, Pie Town, New Mexico (LOC)
Eric Seneca Kim: Tucson, 2014
Simon Deadman: Eucumbene River, Koscuiszko National Park, December 2015
magastrom: Svedmyra
♣ Stanley Bloom: Cow in the mist, Madeira, April 2015 - from "Sun Beatean Path"
magastrom: Sarilhos Pequenos, Portugal
TomOlson: a bench
garbutto7vxg1: Kirrawee
Punkroyaltiger: Hotel room
garbutto7vxg1: Carwash
Mark Littlejohn: A Beginning and an End
alkanphel: Piazza San Pietro