knotafrayed: Summer boardom.
knotafrayed: 'Good for what ails ya.
knotafrayed: Bubbles, bottles, and baubles.
knotafrayed: Gifts: because I love chocolate.
knotafrayed: Gifts: because I love white flowers.
knotafrayed: Gifts: because I love grapefruit scented candles.
knotafrayed: "Bean" sprouts.
knotafrayed: Friday night is game night.
knotafrayed: Friday night is game night.
knotafrayed: Turn of a century: part one.
knotafrayed: Turn of a century: part two.
knotafrayed: December 24, 1938
knotafrayed: The spy who came in for the gold.
knotafrayed: NEVER leave your chocolate unguarded.
knotafrayed: Hung up on the details.
knotafrayed: Nostalgia.
knotafrayed: The games people play.
knotafrayed: The games people play.
knotafrayed: The games people play.
knotafrayed: Which is which?
knotafrayed: From my backyard on a rainy December day.
knotafrayed: Winery: interiors.
knotafrayed: Home for the weekend.
knotafrayed: Patio views.
knotafrayed: Life before touch screens: from this (Alice in Wonderland)...
knotafrayed: Life before touch screens: that (a dental visit).
knotafrayed: Shadow play
knotafrayed: Zip it
knotafrayed: Hidden objects