knotafrayed: Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride.
knotafrayed: The long and winding...path.
knotafrayed: The gathering.
knotafrayed: Last of the winter browns: bent on survival.
knotafrayed: Last of the winter browns: a firework's finale.
knotafrayed: Whoosh!
knotafrayed: One week later.
knotafrayed: Off season.
knotafrayed: Signs.
knotafrayed: Destination: this old house.
knotafrayed: Approaching the bridge.
knotafrayed: Where did the house go?
knotafrayed: Over the river and to the woods.
knotafrayed: Further up and further in.
knotafrayed: The walk back.
knotafrayed: On the trail: brown and tan.
knotafrayed: On the trail: caught with the blues.
knotafrayed: What lies ahead.
knotafrayed: On the trail: gone to seed.
knotafrayed: On the trail: taking a U turn.
knotafrayed: The drive home.
knotafrayed: Lean on me.
knotafrayed: Half on, half off.
knotafrayed: Needles.
knotafrayed: Iron grip.
knotafrayed: The wise stone built his house upon the sand.
knotafrayed: The path.
knotafrayed: Panning for gold.
knotafrayed: If a tree falls in the river, and there is no one to hear it...
knotafrayed: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.