knotafrayed: Backyard in winter.
knotafrayed: For the birds.
knotafrayed: Mr. Tree Man
knotafrayed: All sizes.
knotafrayed: Bitter winds.
knotafrayed: Making a point at the end of the day.
knotafrayed: Sometimes it's just too much to bear.
knotafrayed: Dorothy, we're not in Kansas any more.
knotafrayed: Tumble leaf.
knotafrayed: Our first blizzard is on its way.
knotafrayed: Standing up to the oncoming snow.
knotafrayed: Nature's very tiny steam shovel.
knotafrayed: Seed pods on ice.
knotafrayed: Sun moving across a far corner of my backyard.
knotafrayed: Backyard oak tree: leaf beginnings.
knotafrayed: Backyard oak tree: leaf endings.
knotafrayed: Patio views.
knotafrayed: Patio views.
knotafrayed: Patio views.
knotafrayed: Backyard at dusk.
knotafrayed: Backyard: early evening light.
knotafrayed: Getting a handle on our tree.
knotafrayed: Gone to seed.
knotafrayed: True colors.
knotafrayed: Saturday in my backyard.
knotafrayed: Backyard: Tree man.