conchubair: Waiting for the off
conchubair: Hmmmm
conchubair: That's the route
conchubair: Group shot
conchubair: Facing into the hills
conchubair: Taking it handy
conchubair: On the path
conchubair: P1010028
conchubair: Slow down girl
conchubair: It's not a race
conchubair: The view from the bottom
conchubair: Long way down
conchubair: Waiting for Bert
conchubair: Feeling much better now
conchubair: Best foot forward
conchubair: How did we miss the turn
conchubair: Much too happy looking
conchubair: Whose idea was this?
conchubair: Ballyvarley boys on tour
conchubair: The only way is up
conchubair: Breathtaking views
conchubair: No problem
conchubair: Up we go
conchubair: Halfway up
conchubair: It's in yonder hills
conchubair: Climbing gives you the munchies
conchubair: Keep smiling through
conchubair: Knackered
conchubair: Hello, is that moutain rescue
conchubair: Still some way off