Luxis Pictures and Stuff: a god-seeking new day 2003
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: againsttheska2001
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: ahumbleservant2002
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: alargecoffee1999
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: amomentofmethaphysics2005
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: baskerville2001
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: Comparable to a religious experience 2006
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: eveningbells2007
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: everybodyhatestouristshere2004
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: everythingispossible2_2003
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: Extremely heavy 1993
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: fatboy_and_son
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: From the place of growth to the caretaking
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: From the waters I have risen 2008
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: goldeneggsvol12006
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: goodafternoonsir2007
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: goodmorning2006
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: Handshake from the milkproducer 2005
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: He is only sleeping1996
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: insearchofthelostbalance
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: It was on the house2006
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: Itheconsumer2006
Luxis Pictures and Stuff: looknohands2005