it is not too early to prepare for christmas as it is already the end of october and i saw a first christmas display at a shop last night! (My 103rd Explore)
Thanks everybody! And thanks for grabbing this and sending to me, Quadvision [Bokeh Dreaming] !!!!!
in the still-bright-November light ... (cradled by the November Sunlight... thanks Keisha!)
My 5th FP! Thanks for grabbing this page and send the link to me, geisha!!!!! Thank you All for commenting and sending me birthday wishes :)
i need something that cheers me up, as you know, outside is dark and dull, drizzling as typical English weather... :(
9th FP!!! Thanks Everyone! Especially Mary, for grabbing SS and sending it to me. Thanks!!
Thanks All for your support!!!! Special thank-you to Aina who grabbed and sent it to me!!!!! Big Thank-you! Hugs xxxxx