chuck b.: 2008-03-29
chuck b.: the back 40, tilted
chuck b.: from the SE corner looking west
chuck b.: These things
chuck b.: Salvia spathacea
chuck b.: Ribes malvaceum
chuck b.: Nemophila menziesii
chuck b.: Mimulus puccineus, or whatever
chuck b.: Lupinus succulentus 'Rodeo Rose'
chuck b.: Layia platyglossa
chuck b.: Ladybug on Layia platyglossa
chuck b.: Echium wildpretii
chuck b.: Delphinium--a gift from a neighbor
chuck b.: Camassia
chuck b.: Heracleum lanatum, now nearly 7 feet tall
chuck b.: Ficus carica, slow to leaf out
chuck b.: Acer palmatum--could this look more like marijuana?