rosch2012: ..underwater tubes are growing widespread....
rosch2012: Karibischer Trompetenfisch
rosch2012: Famous Elk Horn Coral..
rosch2012: "I want to be hidden in the shade..."
rosch2012: Mördermuschel
rosch2012: Let 2019 be colorful, wonderful, interesting....
rosch2012: Rotes Meer: Wimpelfisch und Sohal-Doktorfisch
rosch2012: Blue in the Red Sea
rosch2012: This is my Territory!!
rosch2012: Reef Seascape
rosch2012: Seascape with a Fish...
rosch2012: Egg Clusters of Thysanoteuthis rhombus
rosch2012: Snorkeling in the Red Sea
rosch2012: ....anybody else there??
rosch2012: Zebrasoma desjardinii
rosch2012: ...looks beautiful, but...
rosch2012: ...stay together!
rosch2012: Coral Art
rosch2012: "Steinpilz"