chico945: new york times. yarek wasul illustration for 6-5-07 article titled 'forgetting may be part of the process of remembering'
chico945: new york times. whitney sherman illustration for 2-12-07 article titled 'a cool $25 million for a climate backup plan'
chico945: new york times. stuart bradford illustration for 2-6-07 article titled 'for teenagers, the car is the danger zone'
chico945: new york times. stuart bradford illustration for 3-20-07 article titled 'the operation that made everything clear'
chico945: new york times. stuart bradford illustration for 2-12-07 article titled 'hard-knock lessons from the concussion files'
chico945: new york times. mitchell feinberg illustration for 2-25-07 article titled 'the great carrot caper'
chico945: new york times. harry campbell illustration for 9-16-07 article on 'diet supplements and safety'
chico945: new york times. harry campbell illustration for 3-25-07 article titled 'theater's alive with the sound of laptops'
chico945: new york times. christophe vorlet illustration for 2-11-07 article titled 'when it comes to innovation, geography is destiny'
chico945: new york times. carl wiens illustration for 1-30-07 article titled 'can humanity survive?'
chico945: new york times. carl wiens illustration for 8-26-13 article titled 'keeping food-borne illnesses at bay'
chico945: new york times. carl wiens illustration for 8-19-13 artlcle titled 'tested recipes for kitchen safety'
chico945: new york times. ben wiseman illustration for 7-14-12 op-ed titled 'our newly lush life'
chico945: new york times. ben wiseman illustration for 9-19-13 article titled 'what a messy desk says about you'
chico945: new york times. harry campbell illustration for 8-22-15 op-ed titled 'the trucks are killing us'
chico945: new york times. harry campbell illustration for 1-6-08 article titled 'the falling-down professions'
chico945: new york times. harry campbell illustration for 4-14-15 article titled 'fight over wynn resorts overshadows question of management'
chico945: new york times. harry campbell illustration for 11-21-13 article titled 'google car'
chico945: new york times. keith negley illustration for 2-18-11 article titled "doctors face their own mid-life crisis'
chico945: new york times book review. sam brewster illustration for 6-5-15 review of kent haruf's 'our souls at night'
chico945: new york times book review. byron eggenschwiler illustration for 3-8-13 review of kent haruf's 'benediction'
chico945: new york times book review. anthony russo illustration for 8-12-11 review of amor towles' 'rules of civility'
chico945: new york times book review. r. kikuo johnson illustration for 2-25-05 review of richard price's 'the whites'
chico945: new york times. brian rea illustration for 4-23-15 article titled 'the art of being apart'
chico945: new york times book review. patrick leger illustration for 5-4-12 review of charlotte rogan's 'the lifeboat'
chico945: new york times magazine. ivan chermayeff illustration for 7-8-09 article titled 'watching whales watching us'
chico945: new york times. rebecca mock illustration for 9-29-12 article titled 'main street's landlord'
chico945: new york times. patrick leger illustration for 1-4-10 op-ed titled 'what's our line?'
chico945: new york times. giselle potter illustration for 3-9-15 article titled 'the far-reaching effects of a fall'
chico945: new york times. sam manchester illustration for 7-22-12 article titled 'which u.s. city most deserves the olympics?'