coelacanth72: Once more into the breeches
coelacanth72: Sasquatch
coelacanth72: aka "Emcee Squatch"
coelacanth72: Gray scale mosaic
coelacanth72: The other game of kings
coelacanth72: Hooch master
coelacanth72: There is no fourth wall
coelacanth72: They've got most of the water, and all the power
coelacanth72: Thrift by night
coelacanth72: Something about the nature of man, aesthetics, and um, how about ponies.
coelacanth72: Romanes eunt domum
coelacanth72: my grandpa lived here 80 years ago
coelacanth72: frisky photons
coelacanth72: a green thought, under a green light
coelacanth72: Wyoming Gothic
coelacanth72: quakeless aspens
coelacanth72: this used to be a whore house
coelacanth72: stairway to heaven (or the west side, depending...)
coelacanth72: Wyoming Cadillac
coelacanth72: Neither waves nor particles do we broach escape
coelacanth72: This also used to be a whore house
coelacanth72: over the main vein
coelacanth72: somethinerother, Tom Waits reference
coelacanth72: headin west
coelacanth72: the social event of the season
coelacanth72: Pigs on the Wing
coelacanth72: greater medicine bow metro area
coelacanth72: I love you too man
coelacanth72: Ya got the mother and her kid, you got the guy and his date...
coelacanth72: I am not a tripod