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United Kingdom by Qtr femme
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Qtr femme
Qtr femme
Oxford, mmm.. Which way is the right way ?!
Qtr femme
Ducks crossing the street in Oxford
Qtr femme
Status in Blenheim Palace,Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme
Magdalen College, Ringing of the bells on May 1st,(Oxford Tradition)
Qtr femme
Gate to the Blenheim Palace
Qtr femme
Blenheim Palace, Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme
Sad Child, a status at Blenheim Palace, Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme
A status at Blenheim Palace, Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme
Mohamed Ali mousque, Cairo, Egypt
Qtr femme
Crowded City, Cairo, Egypt
Qtr femme
Cloudy Sky, Cairo, Egypt
Qtr femme
Blenheim Palace, Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme
Blenheim palace, oxford, U.K
Qtr femme
Blenheim palace, oxford, U.K
Qtr femme
child at walking in cementry, Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme
cute car ! , Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme
A guy from U.K, wearing a funny tie, lol
Qtr femme
Blenheim Palace gate, U.K
Qtr femme
Ooops !
Qtr femme
Poor baby .., U.K
Qtr femme
Oxford University
Qtr femme
Inside Oxford University
Qtr femme
Beckingham palace,U.K
Qtr femme
Starbucks in London
Qtr femme
Bye,Bye London
Qtr femme
Starbucks coffee in Oxford
Qtr femme
Inside Oxford University, where Harry Potter was filmed,U.K
Qtr femme
Gap at Oxford, my favourite !!
Qtr femme
British post Box
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