Qtr femme: Oxford
Qtr femme: Oxford, mmm.. Which way is the right way ?!
Qtr femme: Ducks crossing the street in Oxford
Qtr femme: Status in Blenheim Palace,Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme: Magdalen College, Ringing of the bells on May 1st,(Oxford Tradition)
Qtr femme: Gate to the Blenheim Palace
Qtr femme: Blenheim Palace, Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme: Sad Child, a status at Blenheim Palace, Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme: A status at Blenheim Palace, Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme: Mohamed Ali mousque, Cairo, Egypt
Qtr femme: Crowded City, Cairo, Egypt
Qtr femme: Cloudy Sky, Cairo, Egypt
Qtr femme: Blenheim Palace, Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme: Blenheim palace, oxford, U.K
Qtr femme: Blenheim palace, oxford, U.K
Qtr femme: child at walking in cementry, Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme: cute car ! , Oxford, U.K
Qtr femme: A guy from U.K, wearing a funny tie, lol
Qtr femme: Blenheim Palace gate, U.K
Qtr femme: Ooops !
Qtr femme: Poor baby .., U.K
Qtr femme: Oxford University
Qtr femme: Inside Oxford University
Qtr femme: Beckingham palace,U.K
Qtr femme: Starbucks in London
Qtr femme: Bye,Bye London
Qtr femme: Starbucks coffee in Oxford
Qtr femme: Inside Oxford University, where Harry Potter was filmed,U.K
Qtr femme: Gap at Oxford, my favourite !!
Qtr femme: British post Box