snakephoto: IMG_1518-003
snakephoto: IMG_1524-005
snakephoto: DSC01266-001
snakephoto: DSC01267-001
snakephoto: Did you hear that R2? I think something is following us!
snakephoto: Stop talking to that bird R2 and get us out of here!
snakephoto: I feel safe now that we are back at the base… (Industar 50-2 on Sony A7 with 1/2 in extension tube)
snakephoto: DSC03846-002
snakephoto: I'm gonna smack the next person that says "leave it for the Wooki"..
snakephoto: Hurry up guys…We can hide in here.
snakephoto: IMG_20170120_173759