RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh 1 irantitle
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh acclim walk
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh another way to alum kuh
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh attempt on alum kuh1
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh brian and the doc power up touchal
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh brian looks down on the half way hut
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh carrying dougie macrae down
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh chuff looks down on the hut
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh chuff on the glacier
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh coming back down
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh crest on the hut door
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh doc spud mike brian touchal summit
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh dodgy lift
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh dodgy telepherique on lower touchal
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh dougie an hour before cerebal oedema set in
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh dougie gets casevac out
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh dougie macrae
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh en route
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh en route to alum kuh
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh flora on the moraine
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh gordon on the glacier
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh halfway hut on touchal
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh heading up to the hut
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh heading up touchal
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh hut debris
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh john hinde on the summit of touchal
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh john hinde on touchal
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh karaj 2
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh karaj 3
RAFMRA: Akrotiri Alum Kuh karaj 4