RAFMRA: 'Pat' on moving chockstone, Ivor Burnett's photo
RAFMRA: Base camp at query Patterdale.Ivor Burnett slide
RAFMRA: Basecamp c 1958, Ben Frazr in foreground. Brian Flowers' photo
RAFMRA: Ben Frazer & Bedford RL. Brian Floers' photo
RAFMRA: Ben Frazer and Brian Flower c1958. Brian Flowers' photo
RAFMRA: Bev & Graham Walker, WOp. Stonethwaite late 1957 early 1958. Ivor Burnett photo.
RAFMRA: Borrowdale campsite 1956
RAFMRA: Brain Flower' photo of group
RAFMRA: Brian Flowers posing to demo a layback c1958.
RAFMRA: Brian Gill & Brian Flowers c1958, Brian Flowers' photo
RAFMRA: Buddy Kemp. Brian Flower's photo
RAFMRA: Chris Wright, Alan Edmondson and 'Paddy' Fernehough c1959. Brian Flower's photo.
RAFMRA: Colin Gill. Brian Flower's photo
RAFMRA: Colin Purvis on right c1958. Brian Flowers' photo
RAFMRA: Colin Purvys
RAFMRA: D Curly Betteridge
RAFMRA: D Curly Betteridge 1958
RAFMRA: Frank Grimshaw & Paddy Fernehough in back of RL, Aln Dobson MT driver. Ivor Burnett slide
RAFMRA: Frank Grimshaw & Willie Watmough outside 180lb tent. Ivor Burnett slide.
RAFMRA: Fred Chater's GSD 'Chalky' c 1977. Ivor Burnett photo.
RAFMRA: Front L-R, Potts, Craig, George Murphy, McDougall,Briggs, Clifford copy
RAFMRA: Geat End 1956
RAFMRA: George + 4 Bomb Fell
RAFMRA: George Murphy
RAFMRA: George Murphy + 2 in 1957
RAFMRA: Ginge Chalker + 2NK. Ivor Burnett slide.
RAFMRA: Gt End, John White
RAFMRA: Gt End, John White
RAFMRA: HF15 Walkie Talkie. Ivor Burnett slide.
RAFMRA: Hughie & Graham Walker, Stonethwaite. Ivor Burnett's photo