RAFMRA: Llandwrog, practice call-out c 1944
RAFMRA: L-R Campy Burrows and Hans Pick RAF Llandwrog 1944
RAFMRA: Des Graham's headstone
RAFMRA: Campy0001
RAFMRA: Campy at llandwrog SSQ 2000
RAFMRA: Sid Baker Cpl WOp RAF Llandwrog MRT Press demonstration 10 Nov 1943
RAFMRA: Shower & windproof trousers & Smocks with hoods, Old kit, Llandwrog and Llanbedr MRTs
RAFMRA: RAF Llandwrog MRT training exercise, Flt Lt GD Graham top right
RAFMRA: RAF Llandwrog MRT Press exercise, Martin
RAFMRA: RAF Llandwrog MRT Humber Ambulance driver's seat 1943
RAFMRA: RAF Llandwrog MRT 1943 L-R Jackson, McTigue, Graham, Scudamore, Harvey Sp query, Martin and query
RAFMRA: Mick McTigue, GD Graham 1943 Exercise RAF Llandwrog MRT
RAFMRA: L-R, Campy Burrows, Tom Scudamore and Jock Howie, Nursing Orderly,MRS 40th Llanberis
RAFMRA: L-R RAF Llandwrog MRT Cpl Jackson Nursing Orderly, LAC Martin driver and Doc Graham, on exercise for press
RAFMRA: L-R Mick McTigue, Flt Lt TO Scudamore and Sgt Hans PIck ex Austrian Alpine troop, Air Ministry Instructor
RAFMRA: L-R Mick McTigue, Des Graham, Ernie Jackson & Jock Cummings 10 Nov 1943 Press demonstration
RAFMRA: Llandwrog 1943 McTigue BEM
RAFMRA: Humber Amb 1943
RAFMRA: Flt Lt Tom Scudamore, portrait taken on leave by E Hayward & Son 14 Market St, Pontypridd, Tom's home town
RAFMRA: RAF Llandwrog MRT 1944, standing L-R, Campy Barrows, Tom Scudamore, Tommy 'Jock' Cummings and Hans Pick
RAFMRA: Fg Off Tom Scudamore RAFVR
RAFMRA: Yanto reads the poem, OC SARF Gp capt Nicholson and the Lord Lt look on.jpg
RAFMRA: Nikky Hey, Yanto and Chris Campbell Llandwrog 22 July 2011
RAFMRA: RAF Llandwrog MRT L-R Mick McTigue,Gordon Leigh & Jackson
RAFMRA: RAF Llandwrog MRT Tent extension tothe Humber Ambulance 1943
RAFMRA: RAF Llandwrog MRT 1943 Campy Barrows and Flt Lt Lloyd
RAFMRA: Improved GS sledge stretcher RAF Llandwrog MRT 1944
RAFMRA: Flt Lt Des Graham demoing rock climbing RAF Llandwrog MRT c 1943
RAFMRA: Eric Cole, Llandwrog MRT 1944-45
RAFMRA: Anson N5371 23 Aug 1943