JossieK: Slow reflection
JossieK: 8 Years Macro Mondays
JossieK: Seeing double
JossieK: Amber snail
JossieK: Opposites
JossieK: Vanity
JossieK: eyes wide open
JossieK: Dotty shade
JossieK: The hairy ones
JossieK: What's up?
JossieK: The solitary snail
JossieK: Travelling
JossieK: Spiralling
JossieK: Spiral stripes
JossieK: The Collection
JossieK: Sailing the Atlantic ocean
JossieK: Framed
JossieK: Going south
JossieK: in between
JossieK: He's not home...
JossieK: Glow in the dark
JossieK: the original
JossieK: Rocks and spirals
JossieK: Sleeping in yellow
JossieK: Howdy
JossieK: Heideschnecke
JossieK: Italian snails
JossieK: Feeling blueish
JossieK: the space in between
JossieK: in between too