NEWA/AGDdC, Flintshire/Sir y Fflint: Map of North Wales, 1766 (ref: AN4887/17) by W. Palmer, Sculp[tor]
NEWA/AGDdC, Flintshire/Sir y Fflint: Map of North Wales, 1704 (Ref: AN4887/30) by Thomas Kitchin, Geographer & Engraver to HRH The Duke of York
NEWA/AGDdC, Flintshire/Sir y Fflint: Map of Flintshire, 1797 (Ref: AN4887/22)
NEWA/AGDdC, Flintshire/Sir y Fflint: Map of Flintshire, 1607 (Ref: PM/5/3)