youthguyrob: 0244841-R1-047-22
youthguyrob: 0244841-R1-011-4
youthguyrob: 0244841-R1-005-1
youthguyrob: 0244841-R1-007-2
youthguyrob: 0244841-R1-009-3
youthguyrob: DSCN0574
youthguyrob: DSCN0573
youthguyrob: Alex and Me at Navy Pier
youthguyrob: Still kissing on the Farris Wheel
youthguyrob: Yet another kiss
youthguyrob: Kailey
youthguyrob: Kailey once again
youthguyrob: It's Kailey
youthguyrob: Alex again
youthguyrob: Kailey and me
youthguyrob: Playing
youthguyrob: Hanging out
youthguyrob: My mom and Kailey
youthguyrob: Kailey
youthguyrob: My grandma and me
youthguyrob: My mom and me
youthguyrob: The baby contest
youthguyrob: Kailey and Tina
youthguyrob: Kaley and Tina
youthguyrob: Tim, Connor, and Kailey
youthguyrob: The two first place babies
youthguyrob: Here they are again
youthguyrob: And once more
youthguyrob: Mom, Tim, and Kailey