Felkerino: Closed store along US 160 provided shade nonetheless.
Felkerino: Horse country abounds near Durango.
Felkerino: We actually did not buy espresso here! The sandwiches were excellent. In Bayfield, Colo.
Felkerino: MG documents another fine coffeeneuring stop, at 81301 Roasters in Durango.
Felkerino: Starting the day at the new 81301 Roasters on north Main St. in Durango. Quite good!
Felkerino: We took the scenic long cut route to Bayfield, 8 extra miles but it reduced our highway miles.
Felkerino: On the road, Day 7 of our Colorado Tour to Pagosa Springs. We're following much of this year's Bicycle Tour of Colorado route by coincidence.
Felkerino: Shade break on US 160 between Bayfield and Pagosa Springs. A staple on hot days.
Felkerino: This cattle grate stood between us and a roadside shade stop.
Felkerino: Good sandwiches here at Coffee on the Side in Bayfield, walkups welcome!
Felkerino: MG weighs in at closed store on the way to Pagosa Springs. We took in some shade here anyway.
Felkerino: At 81301 Roasters in Durango for remote Friday Coffee Club