Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: This guy had lots of energy.
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: MG and Dave. He talked us into this thing.
Felkerino: Me and MG. We wouldn't be smiling so much once we got going.
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: The usual pre-ride milling.
Felkerino: Barry and Dave: Men in Red.
Felkerino: Starting the ride from Orchard Cellar Winery just after 7 am.
Felkerino: photo
Felkerino: Game face. More hills to come.
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Felkerino: Pretty good dirt roads early on.
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Felkerino: Topping over another ridge.
Felkerino: These cows seemed really impressed.
Felkerino: Before the sun came out.
Felkerino: Grand Fondue. The movie.
Felkerino: MG warmed up enough to shed the vest.
Felkerino: photo