Felkerino: A good forecast!
Felkerino: A bike touring lady and her gadgets
Felkerino: Autocorrect meets McDonalds
Felkerino: Crossing the interstate
Felkerino: Roadside attraction
Felkerino: I-77 Overhead
Felkerino: I-77 bridge
Felkerino: Crossing the New River
Felkerino: On Fort Chiswell Road
Felkerino: Near the New River, on the road to Floyd
Felkerino: Entering Shot Tower State Park
Felkerino: The Shot Tower, where lead shot was made via a 150-foot fall to a subterannean catch accessed via the New River
Felkerino: I-77 from the Shot Tower State Park
Felkerino: Cars, pay up. Bikes? FREE.
Felkerino: Back side of the shot tower. Why the R?
Felkerino: MG and Me on the New River side of the tower
Felkerino: We're both wearing red today (MG's is actually pink)
Felkerino: The view of the I-77 bridge over the New River
Felkerino: The tower is in a nice park
Felkerino: Sunny skies today
Felkerino: Some history about the shot tower in the days of barrel-loading muskets
Felkerino: A potential rest stop that had burned
Felkerino: Famous cow photographers approaching!
Felkerino: Lunch in Hillsville, Va.
Felkerino: Big transmission lines in this area
Felkerino: More transmission lines
Felkerino: And, more transmission lines
Felkerino: A section of gravel that we liked
Felkerino: MG loved the gravel
Felkerino: On Goad Road after getting off busy VA 221