Felkerino: Mark starts us off
Felkerino: DSC00477
Felkerino: Night shot
Felkerino: DSC00479
Felkerino: Bill and Mike in the early dawn
Felkerino: Morning signature shot
Felkerino: DSC00482
Felkerino: DSC00485
Felkerino: DSC00486
Felkerino: Bill's support crew looks on approvingly
Felkerino: Tilted Obligatory Cow Photo
Felkerino: DSC00491
Felkerino: DSC00492
Felkerino: BAD railroad tracks on Railroad Lane
Felkerino: DSC00500
Felkerino: Bill captures the moment
Felkerino: MG and Glenn
Felkerino: Bill and MG
Felkerino: Bill gets ready for another shot
Felkerino: Bill's "Galley Slave" camera storage system
Felkerino: DSC00509
Felkerino: An experiment in camera storage. Or forced aerodnamics. Both.
Felkerino: It's the sentiment that counts, I suppose.
Felkerino: DSC00513
Felkerino: DSC00514
Felkerino: Glenn and Charlie
Felkerino: Mostly I was interested in the bike.
Felkerino: Nearing the turn to stay on Shippensburg Road
Felkerino: Glen Climbing up the first pitch to Big Flat
Felkerino: Bill coming up Big Flat before the turn