Felkerino: Not a fleche, but good enough for us.
Felkerino: Stopping at the Key Bridge Marriott to say hello to the fleche finishers
Felkerino: Lynn, MG, Kaya, Nate and proud dad Steve
Felkerino: Crista, randonneur salute in her new DCR vest
Felkerino: Crista and Chuck
Felkerino: MG and Crista on their stoker perches
Felkerino: Bidding Ray Good-bye in Leesburg
Felkerino: A find day in the pasture
Felkerino: Arriving at Beans in the Belfry in Brunswick
Felkerino: Beef stew at Beans in the Belfry
Felkerino: Little League parade in Brunswick
Felkerino: Little League parade in Brunswick
Felkerino: Lane checking in
Felkerino: The obligatory cows of Marlu Ridge
Felkerino: Waiting for the train at Adamstown
Felkerino: Nothing but blue sky in the afteroon.
Felkerino: Signature shot!
Felkerino: Lane under bright sky on the way to Poolesville
Felkerino: Eric on Lily Pons Road
Felkerino: The rain-swollen Monocacy River.
Felkerino: DSC00216
Felkerino: DSC00217
Felkerino: DSC00221
Felkerino: Fixing that flat.
Felkerino: DSC00227
Felkerino: Fading daylight.
Felkerino: Lane at the Capitol.
Felkerino: Through the East Front toward dinner at Eastern Market.