Felkerino: MG, checking in with Leslie and Chris
Felkerino: Chris was well organized.
Felkerino: Helpful visual aids.
Felkerino: Lefty randonneurs welcome here.
Felkerino: Tom conducted bike inspection.
Felkerino: Warm and humid at the start.
Felkerino: Randonneurs glowing in the night.
Felkerino: Getting ready to start.
Felkerino: Chris reminds us to spend money at the controls.
Felkerino: Off we go. Another blurry start up Yellow Springs Road.
Felkerino: The Secret Control.
Felkerino: Chris got my photo of my trashed shifter cable.
Felkerino: Hmmm.
Felkerino: Nick and Jan Arrived.
Felkerino: A lovely Rivendell/
Felkerino: Chris and Tom made a friend.
Felkerino: Mary says hello.
Felkerino: Tom had the gentle touch.
Felkerino: Catching Gordon
Felkerino: Gordon making good time
Felkerino: Jan and Nick climbing up Shippensburg Road
Felkerino: The infamous Big Flat ahead.
Felkerino: Tough going to the turn, tougher once you get there.
Felkerino: Topping out at the Cumberland County line.
Felkerino: In Shippensburg
Felkerino: The first control at Shippensburg.
Felkerino: Cherry Coke. Yum.
Felkerino: Stan arrives at Control No. 2 in Bloserville
Felkerino: Young's Deli treated us well.
Felkerino: Same for randonneuring, and no health warning.