Felkerino: Shay shows off his Kogswell P/R
Felkerino: Kogswell P/R Ver. 1
Felkerino: Explaining the Kogswell P/R Ver. 1
Felkerino: Timbuk 2 messenger bag used as a front bag
Felkerino: Timbuk 2 messenger bag used as a front bag
Felkerino: Rohloff rear hub
Felkerino: Repainted Carlton
Felkerino: Pre-Raleigh Carlton
Felkerino: Pre-Raleigh Carlton
Felkerino: Carlton
Felkerino: Carlton seat tube
Felkerino: Nice lugwork on the Carlton repaint
Felkerino: another classic bike
Felkerino: DSC03406
Felkerino: scrounging tires, taking photos
Felkerino: this vendor had some classic Schwinns
Felkerino: old Schwinn
Felkerino: old Schwinn
Felkerino: lots of chrome
Felkerino: cool Schwinn details
Felkerino: front spring
Felkerino: ultra modern headlamp
Felkerino: Schwinn with wood top panel
Felkerino: very old, very cool
Felkerino: animated conversation
Felkerino: check this out...
Felkerino: don't forget this book
Felkerino: DSC03440
Felkerino: lots of kids with parents looking for bikes