ttounces: budding
ttounces: 🌼
ttounces: pipevine swallowtail (battus philenor)
ttounces: glow azalea
ttounces: blurry droplets and ripples
ttounces: nature's symmetry
ttounces: music making ants ~ trumpet vine
ttounces: life takes unexpected turns
ttounces: epargyreus clarus, hesperiidae
ttounces: magnolia jane (1 of 1)
ttounces: asiatic lilly (1 of 1)
ttounces: Owl butterfly
ttounces: sweet nectar
ttounces: Echinacea
ttounces: paper kite (Idea leuconoe)
ttounces: purple mort bleu
ttounces: blue life.
ttounces: buzz
ttounces: whipped cream
ttounces: Aquilegia Lantern
ttounces: stars and circles
ttounces: hibiscus
ttounces: bumblebee
ttounces: soft flower
ttounces: colchicine
ttounces: promise of spring
ttounces: petunia
ttounces: sapho longwing butterfly
ttounces: best friend
ttounces: purple clover ~ clover wine