ttounces: winter layers
ttounces: abandoned lead mine railway.
ttounces: cardinal in snow
ttounces: blue jay
ttounces: seldom traveled
ttounces: Glassy Klondike
ttounces: hazy shade of winter
ttounces: rock tree lake
ttounces: Snowy Barn
ttounces: Passer domesticus
ttounces: a time for peace is never too late
ttounces: winter
ttounces: warm and cold ~ stay warm
ttounces: light on ice
ttounces: Eastern Bluejay
ttounces: when winter ends
ttounces: happy and healthy
ttounces: early light snow
ttounces: footbridge footprints
ttounces: winter glow
ttounces: cardinal in snow
ttounces: winter tree
ttounces: winter tracks
ttounces: Winter is officially over.