ttounces: Aptos
ttounces: Seventeen Mile Drive, CA
ttounces: shady boardwalk
ttounces: Point Lobos
ttounces: NIGHT LIGHT
ttounces: misty cliff
ttounces: barge
ttounces: bridge
ttounces: lonely road
ttounces: warm and cold ~ stay warm
ttounces: winter
ttounces: simply swampy
ttounces: dark
ttounces: Budding Spring
ttounces: gulf white sand
ttounces: aggressive springwater
ttounces: Island Peace
ttounces: rock tree lake
ttounces: I like my own little island
ttounces: dream garden
ttounces: Japanese Garden
ttounces: Glassy Klondike
ttounces: boatdock
ttounces: boat dock in silver
ttounces: Sky and Water
ttounces: Bluesy Doldrums
ttounces: gold pacific coast
ttounces: Point Lobos
ttounces: simple roadside waterfall
ttounces: seagull reflection