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Street Work by kudzu 70
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kudzu 70
Train going thru Marietta Square
kudzu 70
Marietta square GA.
kudzu 70
Old Cart on the square.
kudzu 70
Flags for Memorial Day Service
kudzu 70
Down the tracks
kudzu 70
Fountain in Marietta Square, Ga
kudzu 70
Flags set up.
kudzu 70
Center Square
kudzu 70
Fountain in the Square
kudzu 70
Path to square center
kudzu 70
Skateboarding in Marietta Square
kudzu 70
Street Photography in Marietta Square Ga
kudzu 70
Sign in Doha Qatar, hmmmm
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Watching the train go by
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Walking to the parking lot
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side street full of vendors
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street vendors on the square
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Traffic control on the square during a run event
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Vendors in the square
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Runners approaching the finish line Marietta Square
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Closing in
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Big Shanty
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Home of the Confederate General (locomotive)
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Wildmans store Landmark in this area
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Dining and drinking
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Going for a stroll
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Abandoned Gas Station
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Old Paint advertisement
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Exterior store wall
kudzu 70
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