Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGS Vector-IMG_2175 - Copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGS Sir Wilfred Laurier-IMG_1052 - Copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-Moment of impact-IMG_1463
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCG Hero Class-a1B1A9149
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike MItchell-Victoria CCG Sunset-IMG_7933
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-Victoria CCG Sunset-IMG_7932
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-Tight Quarters-124
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGH 045-Oak Bay 1988
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGH Penac-Underway just after the "commisioning ceremony" at Sea Island Base 2004
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGH Siyay-Just in service-crew training-1999-off Victoria
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGS Bartlett-IMG_5405
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGS BARTLETT and RCMRHIB-IMG_5246 copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGC Cape Naden-IMG_7349 copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-RCM-EXPLORED-IMG_7429 copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGS M.Charles MB-1B1A2842 copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGS MLB Cape St James-PR-IMG_5610
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCG 753 RHIB-EXPLORED-IMG_6323
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCG 435 Bell 429-First Look-IMG_9007
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CLI MV Fraser Lifeboat (former RNLI)-EXPLORED- IMG_0514 copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGH Moytel Underway Sandheads
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCG 446-Bell 429-Explored-IMG_2137 copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-SAR-1B1A6283
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-RCMSAR 10-IMG_1084 copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mitchell-CCGS MLB Cape Sutil-2003047
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCG 304-IMG_1965-Explored
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCG and USCG 1B1A6456 copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCG and USCG-1B1A6354 copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): CCGC Osprey English Bay 2000 copy
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-Pilot and flight deck crew-SWL-1B1A5756
Mike Mitchell2 (Always Catching Up!): Mike Mitchell-CCGS Cape Sutil-01