brandnewday7: Happy Birthday to Grandpa H
brandnewday7: Dancing at Church Video
brandnewday7: What's this from the T's video
brandnewday7: Decorating the b-day cake video
brandnewday7: Checking out the kitchen video
brandnewday7: Big Helper video
brandnewday7: Family Construction video
brandnewday7: Unwrapping video
brandnewday7: Pudding video
brandnewday7: Easter loot video
brandnewday7: Egg Hunt video
brandnewday7: Our little fishy
brandnewday7: Weee.....POP
brandnewday7: A veggie oil semi?
brandnewday7: Mama's near heart attack!
brandnewday7: Talkin' bananas
brandnewday7: The foamerator in action
brandnewday7: Painting with inspiration
brandnewday7: Bucket Bathing
brandnewday7: Mr. Elton John
brandnewday7: Celebrating!!
brandnewday7: Sanding and stalling.
brandnewday7: Balance Bike
brandnewday7: Monster Trucks
brandnewday7: Thanks for the camera!
brandnewday7: giggling brothers
brandnewday7: The snake boy!~!
brandnewday7: Birthday morning surprises
brandnewday7: Celebrate good times....come on!
brandnewday7: Jacob holding the gator!!