brandnewday7: in the first minutes
brandnewday7: that was tough
brandnewday7: Grandpa and Dex
brandnewday7: The Family
brandnewday7: The Birthday Boy
brandnewday7: Dex and the Birthday boy
brandnewday7: Blowing out the candles
brandnewday7: OH, an outfit too!
brandnewday7: A new book
brandnewday7: Garden Talk
brandnewday7: Ladies Chatting
brandnewday7: Nick and Lucaya
brandnewday7: Dex's banana cake
brandnewday7: Blow out your candle
brandnewday7: I just love my new pusher
brandnewday7: fav
brandnewday7: yum banana cake
brandnewday7: Grandma FL and her gift
brandnewday7: My new Scooter
brandnewday7: I'm 1 and walking everywhere
brandnewday7: Grandpa FL's 61st birthday
brandnewday7: Birthday Trees on 5th
brandnewday7: My final surprise
brandnewday7: Birthday walk on the Pier
brandnewday7: Birthday drumming
brandnewday7: We just couldn't wait
brandnewday7: Bistro Bread
brandnewday7: Birthday supper for him
brandnewday7: Birthday supper for her
brandnewday7: The best meal ever