Mondmann: Honest Abe
Mondmann: The Left Side of Lincoln
Mondmann: Washington Monument
Mondmann: Bloomin' Washington
Mondmann: The Hands of Iwo Jima
Mondmann: Cute Animal Behavior
Mondmann: Civil War Statue at U.S. Capitol
Mondmann: Sightseeing Shar-pei
Mondmann: Interesting Fish
Mondmann: Snowcapped Buses
Mondmann: Blue-Eyed Bird
Mondmann: Testing the Waters
Mondmann: National Museum of the American Indian
Mondmann: "Study the Past"
Mondmann: Flower & Bug
Mondmann: Kiddie Band
Mondmann: Eternal Flame
Mondmann: The Real Tourist Attraction
Mondmann: Kite in Flight
Mondmann: Cheetah Stare
Mondmann: Contemplating Suicide
Mondmann: Gorilla in the Grass
Mondmann: The Popular Mr. Lincoln
Mondmann: The Skeptical Squirrel
Mondmann: Odd But Interesting...
Mondmann: Hippo Jawbreaker
Mondmann: Frog in the Water
Mondmann: Guira Cuckoo
Mondmann: Western Crowned Pigeon
Mondmann: Fleeting Glimpse of a Giant Panda