mattswife93: radiant beauty
mattswife93: all dressed up
mattswife93: What are you looking at?
mattswife93: I cannot tell a lie!
mattswife93: the camel
mattswife93: Butterfly1
mattswife93: Butterfly2
mattswife93: holding still
mattswife93: the posing otter
mattswife93: Five-lined Skink
mattswife93: Dragonfly
mattswife93: Great Blue Heron
mattswife93: Tree Swallow
mattswife93: Balance Act
mattswife93: Some Bird
mattswife93: Lizard
mattswife93: Black Bear
mattswife93: Coyote
mattswife93: ducks in a row
mattswife93: Watch your step!
mattswife93: On the march
mattswife93: The meeting place
mattswife93: Female Cardinal
mattswife93: Frosty Feathers