scjack33: the Bushwhack Jack Kayak ready for its maiden voyage
scjack33: Jesse and Scott
scjack33: Campsite Pano
scjack33: Jesse and Scott
scjack33: Scott and Jesse watching Thomas and Kitty paddle towards the island
scjack33: Scott by his Canoe
scjack33: The Professor gives a thumbs up
scjack33: Thomas arrives at the island
scjack33: Kitty arrives at the island
scjack33: Thomas and Scott
scjack33: Thomas with the Badger Cream
scjack33: Thomas and Scott
scjack33: Scott and Jesse packing up
scjack33: Thomas watching Scott and Jesse paddle away
scjack33: My first Beer of the Day.
scjack33: Christy and Andy paddling towards the island
scjack33: Christy and Andy
scjack33: Andy finishing up his first beer of the day
scjack33: Andy and the Badger Cream
scjack33: Paddling with Dale
scjack33: Sunset over Bear Creek Lake
scjack33: Kitty
scjack33: Thomas
scjack33: Our first view of Sols Creek Falls
scjack33: Thomas paddling towards Sols Creek Falls
scjack33: Christy
scjack33: Sols Creek Falls
scjack33: Sols Creek Falls
scjack33: Me at Sols Creek Falls
scjack33: Thomas and Andy bushwhacked for a unique perspective