scjack33: Amy at the Caesars Head Overlook
scjack33: view from the Caesars Head Overlook
scjack33: view from the Caesars Head Overlook
scjack33: Me at the Caesars Head Overlook
scjack33: view from the Connestee Falls Trailhead
scjack33: Connestee Falls
scjack33: Connestee Falls
scjack33: Connestee Falls
scjack33: Connestee Falls
scjack33: Red Salamander or maybe a Newt
scjack33: Brenda and Amy on the Carson Creek Trail
scjack33: Stinging Nettles!
scjack33: Amy along the Carson Creek Trail
scjack33: Cascades on Carson Creek
scjack33: Cascades on Carson Creek
scjack33: Cascades on Carson Creek
scjack33: Jack and Amy by a waterfall on Carson Creek
scjack33: Nice Waterfall on Carson Creek
scjack33: Nice Waterfall on Carson Creek
scjack33: Jack and Amy by a waterfall on Carson Creek
scjack33: Cool Mini Mushrooms on a stick
scjack33: Cool Mini Mushrooms on a stick
scjack33: view from the Connestee Falls Trailhead
scjack33: Cows by a Creek
scjack33: Waterfall on Private Property
scjack33: Amy and Brenda by the waterfall on private property
scjack33: Brenda by the Waterfall on Private Property
scjack33: Jack and Amy by the waterfall on Private Property
scjack33: Waterfall on Private Property
scjack33: Waterfall on Private Property