ktmqi: The Church of St.John the Baptist
ktmqi: Church of St.John The Baptist, La Disputa del Sacramento after Raphael
ktmqi: Crossing, Church of St. John
ktmqi: The Immaculate Conception after Murillo, Church of St.John The Baptist
ktmqi: On the last day of Christmas...
ktmqi: Christ of the Beatitudes, Church of St.John the Baptist
ktmqi: Pieta after Michelangelo, Church of St.John the Baptist
ktmqi: Pieta Chapel, Church of St. John the Baptist
ktmqi: St.John the Baptist
ktmqi: Church of St.John the Baptist
ktmqi: The Church of St.John the Baptist
ktmqi: The Transfiguration
ktmqi: Simon helps Jesus, Church of St. John
ktmqi: Romanesque capitol
ktmqi: Windows by Franz Mayer of Munich
ktmqi: Baptistry Mosaic, Church of St. John
ktmqi: Baptistry, Church of St.John
ktmqi: Baptistry Mosaic, Church of St. John
ktmqi: St.John the Baptist
ktmqi: Saints and Angles
ktmqi: Saints and Angles mosaic
ktmqi: Pulpit 1902, Church of St. John the Baptist