the catalyst...: DSCN8768b
the catalyst...: DSCN8758b
the catalyst...: DSCN8739
the catalyst...: R0013375b
the catalyst...: R0013326
the catalyst...: Art 2003: "Metro"
the catalyst...: Art 2002: "Overpass #1"
the catalyst...: Art 2002: "Overpass #2"
the catalyst...: Art 2002: "Playground"
the catalyst...: Art 2002: "Rim"
the catalyst...: Pensacola Beach, Florida
the catalyst...: Sunset #1
the catalyst...: dad and the birds
the catalyst...: WWII bomb damage, London
the catalyst...: Victoria & Albert Museum, London
the catalyst...: waiting for the train, London
the catalyst...: Piece of the Berlin Wall, Imperial War Museum grounds, London
the catalyst...: flying over the English Channel
the catalyst...: Rome Metro, way too early
the catalyst...: St. Peter's at sunset
the catalyst...: St. Peter's at sunset
the catalyst...: Pantheon, Rome
the catalyst...: Pantheon
the catalyst...: when in rome...
the catalyst...: Canal St Martin
the catalyst...: Chartres Cathedral nave