Christopher OKeefe:
Sign Post II
Christopher OKeefe:
Rustic Details
Christopher OKeefe:
Parkers Restaurant
Christopher OKeefe:
Maple Plates
Christopher OKeefe:
Covered Bridge
Christopher OKeefe:
Corn Crib Gift Shop
Christopher OKeefe:
Barn Doors
Christopher OKeefe:
Christopher OKeefe:
Looking Out Over the Rink
Christopher OKeefe:
Filling the Rink
Christopher OKeefe:
Checking the Fill
Christopher OKeefe:
Arriving on Scene
Christopher OKeefe:
Window into the Woods
Christopher OKeefe:
Sugar House
Christopher OKeefe:
Sign Post
Christopher OKeefe:
Snow Flake
Christopher OKeefe:
City Tree
Christopher OKeefe:
City Hall Plaza
Christopher OKeefe:
Brady-Sullivan Plaza
Christopher OKeefe:
Wallis Sands 3
Christopher OKeefe:
Wallis Sands 2
Christopher OKeefe:
Wallis Sands 1
Christopher OKeefe:
Photo Elite
Christopher OKeefe:
Waiting for Christmas
Christopher OKeefe:
Snowflakes and Brick
Christopher OKeefe:
Snowflake on the Window Ledge
Christopher OKeefe:
Snow from the Office Window
Christopher OKeefe:
Positive and Negative
Christopher OKeefe:
Main Building
Christopher OKeefe:
Wish Upon a Star