Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Guitars
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Lady Sweeping Steps
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Cemetery Cross and Poinsetta
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Actor with Pizza
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Wagon
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Mason St School Museum
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town 3 Pot Floral Sets
Christopher OKeefe: San Diego Old Town Livingroom Restaurant and Cafe
Christopher OKeefe: San Diego Old Town Dining
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Cowboy
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Cowboy 2
Christopher OKeefe: Coronado Orange Ave Wit
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Shops
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Shop
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Flower Pots
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Church Tower
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town Bell
Christopher OKeefe: Old Town - La Plaza de Las Arms
Christopher OKeefe: Mural with Self Portrait
Christopher OKeefe: Mariachi Sculpture
Christopher OKeefe: Making Tortillas
Christopher OKeefe: Little Skulls
Christopher OKeefe: Espresso Mugs
Christopher OKeefe: Cupola in Shadow