Granpic: Edges
Granpic: Fragmented
Granpic: Voices. Aldeburgh
Granpic: Voices in blue
Granpic: Shiny shell
Granpic: Aldeburgh shell with setting sun 31.01. 2007.
Granpic: Signature. D Pegg. Scallop. Aldeburgh.
Granpic: Artist's signature. Aldeburgh
Granpic: The Scallop. Fine detail.
Granpic: Fishtail shell. Aldeburgh.
Granpic: Heart of the Scallop. Aldeburgh.
Granpic: Shell unfolding. Aldeburgh
Granpic: Shell as fungus. Aldeburgh
Granpic: I hear those voices. Aldeburgh
Granpic: Shining Scallop
Granpic: Aldeburgh shell dancing
Granpic: Scallop and kite. Aldeburgh
Granpic: Aldeburgh shell 31.01.07.
Granpic: The photographer. Aldeburgh.
Granpic: Shell as insect
Granpic: The Golden Hour
Granpic: Arcs
Granpic: Mind the gap
Granpic: Winter shell
Granpic: Sheltering shell
Granpic: Picturing it together
Granpic: Nuclear shell