cscott_va.: Sniff'n and a Hope'n
cscott_va.: I think he's saying, "leave me alone, so I can eat".
cscott_va.: Good Stuff!
cscott_va.: SNP Bears
cscott_va.: Just eating and eating some more!
cscott_va.: Too close to the "highway"!
cscott_va.: Too close to the "highway"!
cscott_va.: One lucky bear, Pinefield Gap, SNP
cscott_va.: Coming down
cscott_va.: Just finished a snack, of apples
cscott_va.: What's happening to all my hair?
cscott_va.: Ants for dinner anyone?
cscott_va.: "Hello"
cscott_va.: Hungry Bear
cscott_va.: Loft Mountain Bear
cscott_va.: One of three coming down to find mom
cscott_va.: One last look!
cscott_va.: "One Moment Please"
cscott_va.: "This is My Best Side"
cscott_va.: Moma Bear, Seen just north of Rip Rap Parking..
cscott_va.: Black Bear
cscott_va.: Mom and Baby
cscott_va.: In Shenandoah National Park
cscott_va.: Bear shots that didn't make the cut!
cscott_va.: Don't bother me I'm busy