valplumlee: Where G-Hs Slept
valplumlee: We've Arrived
valplumlee: Fabien, Gabriel, and Joel
valplumlee: Village in the Morning from Our House
valplumlee: Corn Crib-Kalaja e Dodes
valplumlee: Village River
valplumlee: Village River 2
valplumlee: View on the Climb
valplumlee: View on the Climb 3
valplumlee: View on the Climb 2
valplumlee: The Lake Known as Frog Lake
valplumlee: The Clan Leader(2)
valplumlee: In the Guest Room
valplumlee: Part of K-D
valplumlee: Our Roofs
valplumlee: Working the Fields
valplumlee: Our Cow
valplumlee: Our Court Yard
valplumlee: Communal Wash Basin
valplumlee: Our B-B From Afar
valplumlee: Nap Time
valplumlee: One Spring Lamb
valplumlee: Near Kalaja e Dodes
valplumlee: Morning View
valplumlee: The Herd Goes By
valplumlee: Milking a Sheep Part 1
valplumlee: It is not as easy as it looks
valplumlee: Kalaja e Dodes
valplumlee: Kalaja e Dodes' Fields
valplumlee: Kalaja e Dodes River 4